Monday, February 6, 2012

Providence or coincidence?

I wanted to officially give an update of what has gone down since my last post. I found out the PET scan results just a few hours later and we discovered that the doctors could no longer see the tumor! It was gone and all that was left were just a few reacted lymph nodes around my chest. I don't havea completely clean bill of health just yet, but it is a major praise and blessing of the Lord to have this major part of the battle out of the way. The victory is his. That being said I still do have three more rounds of chemotherapy, basically for maintainence you could say.

I got in today for round four expecting to be in the new cancer hospital. From everything the nurses had said, the new cancer hospital is like the disneyworld of hospitals compared to like your travelling carnival of the Roberts building. They told me i would be in a room there, but wouldn't you know, im in good ole roberts yet again. Bummer. On top of this minor set back, I have been having daily headaches for the past week and a half. While it is most likely due to the weather or some unrelated issue, most people are battling colds and headaches and what not this time of year, the doctors are being extra precautious to make sure that the cancer has not spread to my brain (something they aren't able to see on a PET scan). Ths is very rare and most likely not the case. They did an MRI today and confirmed that my head didn't have anything in it... Well they did find some brains thankfully, suspicions were confirmed, but no cancer, which was very good news. Unfortunately, I still have to go through with a lumbar puncture in the morning to get some spinal fluid checked out and to give me some precautionary chemo to treat the brain. Not an activity I was really hoping to partake in on a Tuesday morning.

God has been teaching me a few things already this stay. The good news on Friday was what some call a mountaintop experience. God came through and answered prayers, proving once again that he is faithful and that he is healer and that he loves us. But Monday comes and with it comes some difficulties, the stress of having to go through another round of chemo, added to the worry and anxiety over more unknown procedures and fears that come with that, plus the disappointment of not getting to be in the new hospital (I know, it seems silly but perspectives sure do change lol), could have been a bit overwhelming. But God had prepared me for it.

Van preached a sermon yesterday highlighting God's providence. He taught how God's timing is perfect. Sometimes we get put in situations that are coincidental or something that we wouldn't have expected, but God certainly may have a big reason for it. There was a reason for the good news on Friday and there is areason for all that is happening this week. God is teaching me to persevere. To continue to trust him. Lamentations 3:25 says "the LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the person who seeks Him." sounds good enough for me, regardless of the circumstance, good or bad. He is faithful. His loving kindness never ceases and his mercies are new every morning. That's good news for me,especially in light of tomorrow.

For a prayer request, I do ask that you all would pray for the lumbar puncture procedure tomorrow. I'll be crossing off another item on my "hole in the bucket" list,and would love some prayers for courage and safety. Thanks so much for all of your support and prayers! I am so blessed and God continues to answer your prayers!

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