Monday, April 9, 2012

The R Word

So it is official. The doctor has officially used the R word in our last meeting: Remission! Much has gone on since I last updated the blog. I have finished my chemotherapy regiment, completing the last round two weeks ago. Also, I had a PET scan and got the word from the doctor this past Friday that the cancer is in remission (It was a Good Friday indeed!). There was nothing that indicated any sort of lymphoma on the scan. Praise the Lord! Unfortunately I still will have to undergo a few weeks of radiation. They do this because the PET scan does not show anything on a microscopic level, and the radiation is such a specific treatment that they are able to target any sort of remaining cancer hiding out. We have our first meeting with the radiation doctor on Wednesday to discuss all the treatment and upcoming schedule. I do not know exactly what all this will entail as of yet (i.e. duration of treatment, etc.), but I am not too worried. God has brought me through thus far and I'm confident He will continue to do so. Thank you all so much for your prayers and for your constant support throughout all of this. I am very blessed. I'll probably have a more lengthy blog post next time, but we'll let this one just be an informational post. :-)